
The Upland Club is a private club that is governed by a board of directors and its voting membership. Currently the Upland Club has 550 members in three categories

  • Honorary Members – Honorary members are full members who are over the age of 65 and have obtained 10 years of full membership. Membership is free. Honorary members are share holders and voting members. Honorary members may hold office
  • Regular Members – Full membership is limited to 150 members. Members who fall into this category are share holders and are the voting members of the Upland Club. Full members may hold office
  • Associate Members – all other members are considered associate members. Associate members can become full members as they move up the list when full members fail to renew their membership or become honorary members. Associate members cannot vote unless voted into a board position.  Associate members can  attend meetings and voice their opinions during a meeting.

All members in GOOD STANDING have access to all club facilities, may participate in all club functions, activities, meetings and are allowed to bring guests onto club property.

Interested in becoming a member?

The Upland Club is a private club, prospective members may only fill out an application after the first meeting in January.  Applications should be submit to the Mike Murphy, Upland Club Manager.

Membership Criteria:

  • Members must be 21 years of age and male
  • Members must pay a one time yearly dues
  • Applicants must be sponsored by a Full or Honorary member
  • Prior to application being accepted by the membership, applicants must meet with a member of the board of directors

New members will be considered after the first meeting of the year in January